PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) Exam
Last Update Feb 21, 2025
Total Questions : 215
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During a risk reassessment workshop with the project team and some external stakeholders, two key external stakeholders are overemphasizing the impact of a few project risks. This has led to a conflict.
How should the risk manager handle this situation?
A risk manager faces resistance as they try to implement the project's risk strategy. Some members of the project team believe it is a waste of time and money, What should the risk manager do?
After completing the risk register, many team members feel there is a lack of time prioritization for one of the identified risks What are the team members referring to?
Stakeholder deliverable reviews will start soon and additional work is expected to resolve any issues or required adjustments. Budget overruns during execution have put serious constraints on the remainder of the project's budget.
What should the project manager do next?