NetApp Certified Data Administrator ONTAP Professional
Last Update Mar 11, 2025
Total Questions : 243
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An administrator has an ESXi cluster with VMware VMFS LUNs on an AFF system. Alter troubleshooting performance issues, the administrator determines that timeout best practices are not set on the hosts.
Which NetApp tool would apply the best practice settings?
You have connected all cables and disk shelves in a Fabric Attached MetroCluster. Which one of the following commands would you use to verify that disks are connected and have dual paths?
You want to create an automated test environment that performs a single file SnapRestore. Every time you run the procedure, however, SnapRestore prompts you to confirm your decision to revert the file. How can you automate this step?
When you issue the snapmirror status command, to what does the "Lag" column refer?