The Bash shell can be configured by various files that affect its behavior, such as setting environment variables, aliases, functions, options, and prompts. Some of these files are global, meaning they apply to all users of the system, and some are local, meaning they apply to individual users. The global files are usually located in the /etc directory, while the local files are usually located in the user’s home directory, which is denoted by the tilde (~) symbol1.
The local files that affect the Bash shell are:
~/.bash_profile: This file is executed when a user logs in to the system. It is used to set up the user’s environment, such as the PATH, the default editor, the umask, and other variables. It can also run commands that are needed only once per login session, such as ssh-agent or fortune. This file can also source other files, such as ~/.bashrc, to inherit their settings12.
~/.bashrc: This file is executed when a user starts a new interactive shell, such as opening a terminal window or running a script with the shebang #!/bin/bash. It is used to set up the user’s shell preferences, such as aliases, functions, options, and prompts. It can also source other files, such as /etc/bashrc, to inherit their settings12.
~/.bash_logout: This file is executed when a user logs out of the system. It is used to perform any cleanup tasks, such as clearing the screen, deleting temporary files, or printing a farewell message1.
The other files listed in the question are not valid Bash configuration files and do not affect the behavior of the shell. Therefore, the correct answer is B. ~/.bashrc and E. ~/.bash_profile.
References: 1: Bash Shell Configuration Files - Land of Linux 2: Bash Startup Files - GNU Project