TOGAF 9.2 Combined Part 1 and Part 2
Last Update Mar 7, 2025
Total Questions : 420
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Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
The ABC company started as an accounting and financial services company. It has expanded over the years and is now a leading North American IT and Business Services provider.
With numerous practice areas and a multitude of diverse engagements underway at any given time, overall engagement management has become challenging. The company does not want to risk its outstanding reputation or its international certifications and CMM ratings. Senior partners must become team players, working to support the broader needs of the company and its shareholders.
The Enterprise Architecture team has been working to create the company's Enterprise Architecture framework to address these issues. The team has defined a preliminary framework and held workshops with key stakeholders to define a set of principles to govern the architecture work. They have completed an Architecture Vision at a strategic level and laid out Architecture Definitions for the four domains. They have set out an ambitious vision of the future of the company over a five-year period.
An Architecture Review Board has been formed comprised of IT staff executives and executives from the major practice areas.
The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Information Officer have co-sponsored the creation of the Enterprise Architecture program. The Enterprise Architecture framework is based on TOGAF 9.
As the EA team prepare to formulate an Implementation plan, they have been asked by the CIO to assess the risks associated with the proposed architecture. He has received concerns from senior management that the proposed architecture may be too ambitious and they are not sure it can produce sufficient value to warrant the attendant risks.
Refer to the Scenario
You have been assigned to the role of Chief Enterprise Architect.
You have been asked to recommend an approach to satisfy the concerns raised.
Based on TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer?
Please read this scenario prior to answering the Question
You are serving as the Chief Architect for a large, global commodities trading company which has been growing rapidly through a series of acquisitions.
Each business is performing well in its markets. However, the lack of integration between headquarters and the business units has increasingly caused problems in the handling of customer and financial information. The inability to share information across businesses has resulted in lost opportunities to "leverage the synergies" that had been intended when the businesses were acquired. At present, each business unit maintains its own applications. Despite an earlier initiative to install a common application to manage customer, products, supplier, and inventory information, each business unit has different ways of defining each of these core elements and has customized the common application to the point where the ability to exchange information is difficult, costly, and error-prone.
As a result, the company has made the decision to introduce a single enterprise-wide application to consolidate information from several applications that exist across the lines of business. The application will be used by all business units and accessed by suppliers through well defined interfaces.
Refer to the Scenario
As part of the process for establishing the Enterprise Architecture department, you are developing a set of architecture principles to guide the activities.
You need to specify the best approach for this work.
Based on TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer?
Which of the following statements best describes the Requirements Management process?
Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
Your role is that of the Lead Architect working for a government agency responsible for immigration, customs, and border control. The agency was formed by consolidating several smaller government agencies. The agency has established an Enterprise Architecture practice based on TOGAF 9. The CIO is the executive sponsor and has appointed an EA steering team to oversee the practice.
There has been a considerable increase in security requirements and immigration service requests in recent years, which have expanded the scope and size of the operations of the agency. As a result, the existing Information Technology architecture no longer meets the required service levels. A significant Enterprise Architecture (EA) initiative is in progress with the opal to improve customer responsiveness and satisfaction, and improve the overall operational efficiency of the agency.
The current EA staff members were internal appointments based on a request from the EA steering team to supply a number of suitable individuals for the EA effort. Collectively, they possess a broad range of IT and business analysis skills. However, the CIO has expressed concern about the diverse range of experience within the team. There is concern that the EA staff may be lacking in some of the critical skills that are required to properly conduct EA activities. It had been assumed that any EA-related skill gaps would be overcome by on-the-job mentoring from the senior members of the EA staff. Each architect was expected to attend a TOGAF training course and participate in other skill development activities.
A recent review of the EA program revealed that many EA staff members, despite attending multi-day training courses, were not proficient in analyzing or creating the models and artifacts required for their assigned architecture projects. Stakeholders have observed errors and inconsistencies in artifacts and deliverables being submitted for review.
Refer to the Scenario
The CIO has asked you to recommend a professional development plan for the EA staff in order to address the findings raised in the recent review.
Based on TOGAF, which of the following is the best answer?