Salesforce Certified Pardot Consultant (SP23)
Last Update Mar 4, 2025
Total Questions : 264
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LenoxSoft has had a Product Interest form live on their website for the past 3 months. They would like to make sure that, moving forward, every time the form is submitted, a custom field is updated. They also want to update that custom field for anyone who has submitted the form before today. What combination of automation tools should LenoxSoft use to achieve this?
One of LenoxSoft's goals is to effectively use engagement studio programs to continuously reengage cold leads until they become active. To do so, the marketing team needs to build a list of cold prospects.
What is the optimal use case to segment these prospects?
LenoxSoft's marketing team wants to use one repeating program to continually nurture cold and unengaged leads, but wants the content for the emails sent through the program to be tailored based on how many times the prospect has entered the program.
They have decided to create a custom field called "Repeated Engagement" and increment that field by +1 each time a prospect enters the program.
Using this method, how should the team meet this need?
A marketing user needs to recreate the same form in each of LenoxSoft's two business units (BUs).
How should the marketing user handle this task?