Certified Pega Lead System Architect (CPLSA) Exam 8.8
Last Update Nov 22, 2024
Total Questions : 238
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set the three security tasks you perform when deploying an application to a production environment. (Choose Three)
U+ Bank currently uses a Pega Platform'" application to automate its internal operations. The bank wants to add independent tax processing functionality to its application. This work should be routed to tax consultants in the application.
To support this new feature, the bank has appointed country-specific tax consultants because tax processing is handled differently in different countries.
Which one of the following options is the best approach to add tax processing to the bank's existing Pega Platform application?
A company wants to run the same pega application in its eastern US office as well as its india
office. The eastern united states server runs in the eastern united states time zone. The india server runs in the india time zon. The company wants a process to run in both offices at the same time world-wide once a day regardless of the server's location
How do you efficiently meet this requirement?
A case displays recent customer transaction. Different operators often view the recent transactions
for the same customer repeatedly throughout the day. the operation to fetch the transactions is resource-intensive, and the source data is updated once an hour. select two options to configure a data page to cache the customer transactions and minimize the operator's wait time. (choose two)