In RESTful Application Programming, the EML statement that retrieves an object is GET entity. The GET entity statement is used to read data of an entity instance from the database or the transaction buffer. The GET entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity key, and the entity elements to be retrieved. The GET entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The GET entity statement returns a single entity instance or raises an exception if no instance is found or multiple instances match the key.
The other EML statements are not used to retrieve an object, but have different purposes and effects. These statements are:
FIND entity: This statement is used to search for entity instances that match a given condition. The FIND entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity elements to be returned, and the condition to be applied. The FIND entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The FIND entity statement returns a table of entity instances or an empty table if no instances match the condition.
SELECT entity: This statement is used to query data of entity instances from the database or the transaction buffer. The SELECT entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity elements to be returned, and the filter, order, and aggregation options to be applied. The SELECT entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The SELECT entity statement returns a table of entity instances or an empty table if no instances match the query.
READ entity: This statement is not a valid EML statement, but an ABAP statement. The READ statement is used to access a single row of an internal table using the table index or the table key. The READ statement can also use the TRANSPORTING addition to specify which fields should be returned, and the INTO addition to specify the target variable. The READ statement returns a single row of the internal table or raises an exception if no row is found or multiple rows match the key.
References: GET ENTITY - ABAP Keyword Documentation, FIND ENTITY, ENTITIES - ABAP Keyword Documentation, SELECT ENTITY, ENTITIES - ABAP Keyword Documentation, READ - ABAP Keyword Documentation