The prescription forhydroxyzine (25 mg q6h) for hypertensionis likely alook-alike, sound-alike (LASA) medication error, ashydroxyzineis anantihistamineused foranxiety, nausea, and allergiesbutnot for hypertension.
A common LASA confusion is between:
Hydroxyzine (antihistamine, sedative effects, brand names: Vistaril, Atarax)
Hydralazine (antihypertensive, vasodilator, used for hypertension, brand: Apresoline)
Sincehydralazineis used forhypertension, the prescription likely contains anordering errorthat must be clarified with the prescriber.
A. Hydroxyzine requires special handling→ Incorrect; hydroxyzine does not require special handling.
B. The prescription exceeds the maximum recommended daily dose→ Incorrect; hydroxyzine's max daily dose is400 mg/day, and this prescription does not exceed it.
D. Hydroxyzine is subject to a REMS program→ Incorrect; hydroxyzineis not part of a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program.
Other Answer Choices Explained:References:
FDA & ISMP Look-Alike Sound-Alike (LASA) Drug List
PTCB PTCE Exam Content Outline (Medication Safety & Error Prevention)
Lexicomp Drug Monographs for Hydroxyzine & Hydralazine