Explanation: *REST is not a specification, tool, or framework, but instead is an architectural style for web services that serves as a communication medium between various systems on the web. *RESTful APIs, which are also known as RESTful services, are designed using REST principles and HTTP communication protocols RESTful is a collection of resources that use HTTP methods such as PUT, POST, GET, and DELETE
RESTful API: RESTful API is a RESTful service that is designed using REST principles and HTTP communication protocols. RESTful is a collection of resources that use HTTP methods such as PUT, POST, GET, and DELETE. RESTful API is also designed to make applications independent to improve the overall performance, visibility, scalability, reliability, and portability of an application. APIs with the following features can be referred to as to RESTful APIs: o Stateless: The client end stores the state of the session; the server is restricted to save data during the request processing o Cacheable: The client should save responses (representations) in the cache. This feature can enhance API performance pg. 1920 CEHv11 manual.
The HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT or PATCH, and DELETE can be used with these templates to read, create, update, and delete description resources for dogs and their owners. This API style has become popular for many reasons. It is straightforward and intuitive, and learning this pattern is similar to learning a programming language API. APIs like this one are commonly called RESTful APIs, although they do not display all of the characteristics that define REST (more on REST later).