Explanation: Conjur is a secrets management solution that securely stores and manages secrets and credentials used by applications, DevOps tools, and other systems. Conjur can be deployed in different scenarios, depending on the needs and preferences of the organization. One of the possible deployment scenarios is to deploy the Leader cluster outside a Kubernetes environment, and the Followers and Standbys inside or outside the environment.
The Leader cluster is the primary node that handles all write operations and coordinates the replication of data to the Follower and Standby nodes. The Leader cluster consists of one active Leader node and one or more Standby nodes that can be promoted to Leader in case of a failure. The Leader cluster can be deployed outside a Kubernetes environment, such as on a virtual machine or a physical server, using Docker or other installation methods. This can provide more control and flexibility over the configuration and management of the Leader cluster, as well as better performance and security.
The Follower and Standby nodes are read-only replicas of the Leader node that can serve requests from clients and applications that need to retrieve secrets or perform other read-only operations. The Follower and Standby nodes can be deployed inside or outside a Kubernetes environment, depending on the use case and the availability requirements. For example, if the clients and applications are running inside a Kubernetes cluster, it may be convenient and efficient to deploy the Follower and Standby nodes inside the same cluster, using Helm charts or other methods. This can reduce the network latency and complexity, and leverage the Kubernetes features such as service discovery, load balancing, and health checks. Alternatively, if the clients and applications are running outside a Kubernetes cluster, or if there is a need to distribute the Follower and Standby nodes across different regions or availability zones, it may be preferable to deploy the Follower and Standby nodes outside the Kubernetes cluster, using Docker or other methods. This can provide more scalability and resiliency, and avoid the dependency on the Kubernetes cluster.
References = Conjur Deployment Scenarios; Conjur Cluster Installation; Conjur Kubernetes Integration