Exam Name: | Advanced CAMS-Audit Certification Exam | ||
Exam Code: | Advanced-CAMS-Audit Dumps | ||
Vendor: | ACAMS | Certification: | AML Certifications |
Questions: | 90 Q&A's | Shared By: | koby |
An organization creates a document for its audit committee listing the outstanding audit findings. The list has an executive management owner assigned to each finding, due dates for reporting management's responses and space for management to identity the actions to be taken. Which is a primary purpose of this document?
Which are the most important documents for an auditor to verify that a financial institution has proper controls in place for mitigating its money laundering risk exposure? (Select Two.)
Review of client files reveals that staff members have been performing negative media searches for clients only when they recognize the client name. When an interesting story is identified a print of the results is inserted in the client file. There are no clear procedures on adverse media screening. Which should the auditor recommend? {Select Two.)
If a final audit communication contains a significant error, the chief audit executive must: