SAP Certified Professional - SAP Enterprise Architect
Last Update Mar 12, 2025
Total Questions : 47
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In the SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework, which of the following artifacts are part of the opportunities & solution phase? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
What kind of applications can you develop with SAP Business Application Studio?
Green Elk & Company is the world's leading manufacturer of agricultural and forestry machinery. The former company slogan "Elk always runs has recently been changed to Elk feeds the world". One of Green Elk's strategic goals is to increase its revenue in the emerging markets of China, India, and other parts of Asia by 80 % within three years. This requires a new business model that caters to significantly smaller farms with limited budgets. You are the Chief Enterprise Architect and the CIO asks you to assess the new business model for smaller farms with smaller budgets. Given the principle and statement, which of the following combinations of rationale and implication do you consider well-defined?