Specialist-System Administrator - RecoverPoint Version 2.0
Last Update Mar 14, 2025
Total Questions : 66
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Which RPA type(s) connect to protected storage using iSCSI?
A RecoverPoint administrator is using the CLI to create a new Consistency Group. After beginning the process by running the command create_group, what is the next command that needs to be run?
A RecoverPoint administrator wants to add volumes from an unlicensed array to a RecoverPoint/EX cluster. Which supported RecoverPoint volume type(s) addresses the administrator’s requirement?
After a logical corruption, data on a production volume is inaccessible. As the volume is replicated using RecoverPoint, the administrator decides to use the “Test a Copy and Recover Production” wizard to restore this volume to its state prior to the logical corruption.
What is the correct sequence of steps to complete the recovery activity?