Expert - PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Solutions
Last Update Mar 14, 2025
Total Questions : 54
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An administrator has added custom SSL certificates. Each time a client connection is made, default certificates are used.
Which step must be completed?
A company wants to implement a three-site disaster recovery solution. It is considering a Concurrent SRDF/Star environment where the production data on R11 devices are replicated to two R2 devices in two remote arrays. Site 2 will use SRDF/S links, and Site 3 will use SRDF/A links from Site 1.
What is the correct configuration for recovery links?
A DG group is part of a snapshot schedule which runs each day at 9 am then linked to a set of targets for a full copy after termination. Additional volumes were added which increased the link to full copy time.
What course of action will prevent the issue?
Which feature of PowerMax and VMAX All Flash arrays provides ORM functionality?