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EMC DES-9131 Exam Topics, Blueprint and Syllabus

Specialist - Infrastructure Security Exam

Last Update March 14, 2025
Total Questions : 60

Our DECS DES-9131 exam questions and answers cover all the topics of the latest Specialist - Infrastructure Security Exam exam, See the topics listed below. We also provide EMC DES-9131 exam dumps with accurate exam content to help you prepare for the exam quickly and easily. Additionally, we offer a range of EMC DES-9131 resources to help you understand the topics covered in the exam, such as DECS video tutorials, DES-9131 study guides, and DES-9131 practice exams. With these resources, you can develop a better understanding of the topics covered in the exam and be better prepared for success.


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EMC DES-9131 Exam Overview :

Exam Name Specialist - Infrastructure Security Exam
Exam Code DES-9131
Actual Exam Duration The duration of the EMC DES-9131 exam is 90 minutes.
What exam is all about EMC DES-9131 is a certification exam for EMC Data Science and Big Data Analytics. It is designed to validate the skills and knowledge of professionals in the field of data science and big data analytics. The exam covers topics such as data analysis, data mining, machine learning, predictive analytics, and data visualization. It also covers topics related to the use of EMC technologies for data science and big data analytics.
Passing Score required The passing score for the EMC DES-9131 exam is 70%.
Competency Level required The EMC DES-9131 exam is an entry-level certification exam for EMC Data Science and Analytics. To pass the exam, you must demonstrate a basic understanding of data science and analytics concepts, as well as the ability to apply them to real-world scenarios. You should also have a basic understanding of the EMC Data Science and Analytics platform.
Questions Format The EMC DES-9131 exam consists of multiple-choice and drag-and-drop questions.
Delivery of Exam The EMC DES-9131 exam is delivered in a multiple-choice format.
Language offered The EMC DES-9131 exam is offered in English.
Cost of exam The cost of the EMC DES-9131 exam is $200 USD.
Target Audience The EMC DES-9131 certification is designed for IT professionals who are looking to gain expertise in the design, implementation, and management of Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. This certification is ideal for IT professionals who are responsible for the installation, configuration, and maintenance of Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. It is also suitable for IT professionals who are looking to gain a deeper understanding of Dell EMC PowerEdge server architecture and technologies.
Average Salary in Market The average salary for someone with an EMC DES-9131 certification is around $90,000 per year.
Testing Provider The EMC DES-9131 exam is not available for public testing. It is only available to EMC employees and partners.
Recommended Experience The recommended experience for the EMC DES-9131 exam is at least two years of experience in designing, deploying, and managing EMC Data Domain systems. Candidates should also have a working knowledge of EMC Data Domain architecture, features, and functions. Additionally, experience with EMC Data Domain replication, backup, and recovery solutions is recommended.
Prerequisite The Prerequisite for EMC DES-9131 exam is to have a minimum of three years of experience in the field of data storage and management. Additionally, candidates should have a good understanding of the EMC Data Domain product line and its features.
Retirement (If Applicable) The expected retirement date of the EMC DES-9131 exam is currently unknown.
Certification Track (RoadMap): The EMC DES-9131 certification track/roadmap is a certification program designed to validate the skills and knowledge of IT professionals in the areas of data storage, data protection, and data management. The DES-9131 exam is the final exam in the certification track and is designed to test the candidate’s ability to design, implement, and manage EMC storage solutions. The exam covers topics such as storage architecture, storage networking, storage management, data protection, and storage security.
Official Information https://education.emc.com/content/dam/dell-emc/documents/en-us/DES-9131_Specialist-Infrastructure_Security_Exam.pdf
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Dell EMC DES-9131 Exam Topics :

Section Weight Objectives
NIST Framework Overview 10%
  • Describe the NIST Framework architecture and purpose including the Core, Tiers, and Profiles
  • Describe the topics associated with the Category layer and explain how they align to the NIST Framework functions
NIST Framework: Identify Function 18%
  • Describe what constitutes an asset and which assets need to be protected
  • Describe the "who/what/why" of a continuously updated inventory
  • Describe how discovery and inventory facilitates the planning efforts associated with Disaster Recovery, Incident Response, Communications, and Business Impact Analysis
  • Describe the controls for the inventory classification and explain the KPIs developed around these controls
NIST Framework: Protect Function 23%
  • Describe the need for creating and documenting a baseline configuration
  • Explain how the Business Impact Analysis is integral to the protect function
  • Describe the role of the Business Continuity Plan and Business Impact Analysis
  • Describe the maintenance and access control subcategory controls for the protect function
  • Describe the awareness training, data security and protective technology subcategory controls of the protect function
NIST Framework: Detect Function 17%
  • Describe the anatomy of a breach, including what constitutes a breach, why and how it happens, and the steps to avoid a breach
  • Identify the methods of detection and how detection can be implemented
  • Describe the concept and benefits of continuous monitoring
  • Identify and explain the subcategories associated with detection and analysis
NIST Framework: Respond Function 17%
  • Describe how to quantify the extent of a security breach
  • Describe how to contain a security breach
  • Understand and construct an effective Incident Response Plan
  • Describe the purpose and details of an effective Communications Plan
  • Describe the after action plan and review
NIST Framework: Recover Function 15%
  • Determine and describe the considerations when implementing a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
  • Describe how the BCP (Business Continuity Plan) supports “timely recovery to normal operations to reduce the impact from a cybersecurity incident.”
  • Assess and describe the requirements and processes to return to "business as usual"
  • Describe the process of understanding the impact to the business, including reputation and revenue