Specialist - Implementation Engineer-VxRail Exam
Last Update March 14, 2025
Total Questions : 105
Our DCS-IE DES-6322 exam questions and answers cover all the topics of the latest Specialist - Implementation Engineer-VxRail Exam exam, See the topics listed below. We also provide EMC DES-6322 exam dumps with accurate exam content to help you prepare for the exam quickly and easily. Additionally, we offer a range of EMC DES-6322 resources to help you understand the topics covered in the exam, such as DCS-IE video tutorials, DES-6322 study guides, and DES-6322 practice exams. With these resources, you can develop a better understanding of the topics covered in the exam and be better prepared for success.
Exam Name | Specialist - Implementation Engineer-VxRail Exam |
Exam Code | DES-6322 |
Actual Exam Duration | The duration of the EMC DES-6322 exam is 90 minutes. |
What exam is all about | EMC DES-6322 is an exam that tests the knowledge and skills of candidates in designing and implementing solutions using EMC's VxRail Appliance. The exam covers topics such as VxRail hardware and software components, deployment and configuration, management and monitoring, and troubleshooting. The exam is intended for professionals who work with VxRail Appliance and want to demonstrate their expertise in designing and implementing solutions using this technology. Passing the EMC DES-6322 exam is a requirement for obtaining the EMC Proven Professional - VxRail Appliance Specialist certification. |
Passing Score required | The passing score required in the EMC DES-6322 exam is 63%. |
Competency Level required | Based on the general nature of certification exams, it is safe to assume that a certain level of competency is required to pass the exam. This may include knowledge of the subject matter, practical experience, and the ability to apply concepts to real-world scenarios. It is recommended that candidates review the exam objectives and study materials to determine the level of competency required for the EMC DES-6322 exam. |
Questions Format | The EMC DES-6322 exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and scenario-based questions. The exam may also include drag and drop questions, matching questions, and fill-in-the-blank questions. The exam is designed to test the candidate's knowledge and skills in implementing and managing Dell EMC VxRail Appliance solutions. The questions are based on the exam objectives and cover topics such as VxRail deployment, configuration, management, and troubleshooting. The exam is timed and candidates have 90 minutes to complete it. |
Delivery of Exam | The EMC DES-6322 exam is an online proctored exam that can be taken from anywhere with a stable internet connection. The exam is delivered through the Pearson VUE platform, which is a secure and reliable testing platform used by many certification providers. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and is timed for 90 minutes. |
Language offered | The EMC DES-6322 exam is offered in English language only. |
Cost of exam | You can visit the official website of Dell EMC or contact their customer support to get the latest pricing information. |
Target Audience | The target audience for EMC DES-6322 exam includes IT professionals who are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing Dell EMC storage solutions. This includes storage architects, storage administrators, system engineers, and technical consultants who work with Dell EMC storage products and solutions. The exam is also suitable for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in storage technology and want to validate their knowledge and skills in this area. Candidates should have a good understanding of storage technologies, including SAN, NAS, and DAS, as well as experience with Dell EMC storage products and solutions. |
Average Salary in Market | The average salary for an EMC Storage Administrator is around $85,000 per year. However, this can vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and industry. Obtaining a DES-6322 certification may increase your earning potential and job opportunities in the field. |
Testing Provider | You can check the official website of Dell EMC or contact their customer support for more information on how to take the exam. |
Recommended Experience | I can provide you with the recommended experience for EMC DES-6322 exam. EMC recommends that candidates have a minimum of two years of experience in designing and implementing Dell EMC storage solutions, including Dell EMC Unity, Dell EMC SC Series, and Dell EMC XtremIO. Additionally, candidates should have experience with Dell EMC PowerMax, Dell EMC Isilon, and Dell EMC ECS. Candidates should also have a strong understanding of storage networking technologies, such as Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and NFS. Knowledge of virtualization technologies, such as VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V, is also recommended. Finally, candidates should have experience with data protection technologies, such as backup and recovery, replication, and disaster recovery. |
Prerequisite | The following prerequisites are recommended: 1. Knowledge of basic networking concepts and protocols 2. Understanding of storage technologies and architectures 3. Familiarity with virtualization technologies and concepts 4. Experience with EMC storage systems and software 5. Completion of relevant training courses or certifications, such as EMC Information Storage and Management (ISM) or EMC Unity Solutions Specialist. It is always recommended to check the official EMC website or contact their support team for the latest and accurate information on exam prerequisites. |
Retirement (If Applicable) | it is recommended to check the official website of the vendor or contact their customer support for the most up-to-date information on exam retirements. |
Certification Track (RoadMap): | The EMC DES-6322 exam is part of the certification track for the Dell EMC Specialist - Implementation Engineer, VxRail Appliance Version 1.0 certification. This certification is designed for professionals who are responsible for implementing and managing Dell EMC VxRail Appliance solutions. The certification track includes the following steps: 1. Earn the Dell EMC Proven Professional - Specialist level certification in any of the following areas: Storage, Cloud, Data Protection, or Converged Infrastructure. 2. Attend the Dell EMC VxRail Appliance Implementation course. 3. Pass the Dell EMC Specialist - Implementation Engineer, VxRail Appliance Version 1.0 exam (DES-6322). 4. Maintain your certification by completing the required continuing education activities. By completing this certification track, professionals can demonstrate their expertise in implementing and managing Dell EMC VxRail Appliance solutions, which can help them advance their careers and increase their value to their organizations. |
Official Information | https://education.dellemc.com/content/dam/dell-emc/documents/en-us/DES-6322_Specialist-Implementation_Engineer_VxRail_Exam.pdf |
See Expected Questions | EMC DES-6322 Expected Questions in Actual Exam |
Take Self-Assessment | Use EMC DES-6322 Practice Test to Assess your preparation - Save Time and Reduce Chances of Failure |
Section | Weight | Objectives |
Introduction to VxRail | 8% |
VxRail Pre-deployment Tasks and Hardware Installation | 12% |
VxRail Network Environment Requirements and Initialization | 10% |
VxRail System Initialization | 17% |
VxRail Post-deployment Procedures | 20% |
VxRail Cluster Expansion and Stretched Clusters | 13% |
VxRail Troubleshooting | 13% |
VxRail Appliance REST API | 7% |