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Android AND-801 Exam Topics, Blueprint and Syllabus

Android Application Development v8

Last Update September 18, 2024
Total Questions : 45

Our Android Certified Trainer AND-801 exam questions and answers cover all the topics of the latest Android Application Development v8 exam, See the topics listed below. We also provide Android AND-801 exam dumps with accurate exam content to help you prepare for the exam quickly and easily. Additionally, we offer a range of Android AND-801 resources to help you understand the topics covered in the exam, such as Android Certified Trainer video tutorials, AND-801 study guides, and AND-801 practice exams. With these resources, you can develop a better understanding of the topics covered in the exam and be better prepared for success.


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Android AND-801 Exam Overview :

Exam Name Android Application Development v8
Exam Code AND-801
Actual Exam Duration The Android AND-801 exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 70 multiple-choice questions.
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam 45
What exam is all about The Android Certified Application Developer (AND-801) exam is a performance-based exam that tests a candidate's ability to design, develop, debug, and deploy Android applications. The exam covers topics such as Android application fundamentals, user interface design, data storage, and security.
Passing Score required The passing score required for the Android AND-801 exam is 80%.
Competency Level required The Android AND-801 exam is designed to assess a candidate's knowledge and skills related to developing Android applications. The exam is intended for experienced Android developers who have at least two years of professional experience developing Android applications. The exam covers topics such as Android application fundamentals, user interface design, data storage, and debugging. Candidates should have a strong understanding of the Android platform and its components, as well as experience with the Android SDK and related tools.
Questions Format The Android AND-801 exam consists of multiple-choice and drag-and-drop questions.
Delivery of Exam The AND-801 exam is a multiple-choice exam and is delivered online.
Language offered The Android AND-801 exam is written in English.
Cost of exam The cost of the Android AND-801 exam is $149 USD.
Target Audience The target audience for the Android AND-801 exam is software developers who are looking to become certified in the Android platform. This certification is designed for those who have a strong understanding of the Android platform and its development tools. It is also suitable for those who are looking to gain a deeper understanding of the Android platform and its capabilities.
Average Salary in Market The average salary for an Android AND-801 certified professional is difficult to estimate as it depends on a variety of factors such as experience, location, and industry. However, according to PayScale, the average salary for an Android Developer in the United States is $90,845 per year.
Testing Provider The Android AND-801 exam is provided by Google. It is an exam that tests a candidate's knowledge and skills in developing Android applications.
Recommended Experience The recommended experience for the Android AND-801 exam is two or more years of experience developing Android applications using the Android SDK and Android Studio. Additionally, experience with the Android platform, Android application architecture, and Android security best practices is recommended.
Prerequisite The Prerequisite for the Android AND-801 exam is that the candidate must have at least two years of experience developing Android applications using the Android SDK and Android Studio.
Retirement (If Applicable) The Android AND-801 exam does not have an expected retirement date.
Certification Track (RoadMap): The AND-801 exam is part of the Android Certified Application Developer certification track. It is a performance-based exam that tests a candidate's ability to design, develop, debug, and deploy Android applications. The exam covers topics such as Android application fundamentals, user interface design, data storage, and security. The AND-801 exam is the final step in the Android Certified Application Developer certification track and is required for certification.
Official Information
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Android AND-801 Exam Topics :

Section Weight Objectives
Lesson 1: Introduction to Kotlin  
  • Kotlin History
  • Kotlin Advantages
  • How Kotlin Programs Work?
  • Kotlin Software Prerequisites
Installing Java JDK and JRE
  • Installing Android Studio
  • Creating Kotlin Project Using Android Studio
  • Creating a Kotlin Program
  • Running a Kotlin Program
  • Writing Comments
  • Kotlin Variables
  • Kotlin Data Types
  • Input of Information to Kotlin Program
Lesson 2: Control Flow Statements  
  • Introduction
  • If Statement
  • If – Else Statement
  • If Else and Logical Operators
  • When Statement and Expression
  • For Loops
  • While Loops
  • Do-while Loops
  • Jump Expressions
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Return Statement
Lesson 3: Functions & Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)   Functions
Function Structure
Creating a Function
Functions and Variable Scope
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Creating a Class
Providing Constructors for Your Classes
Class Inheritance
Overloading Constructors
Overriding Properties
Abstract Class
Interface Class
Generic Class
Enum Class
Class Variables
Member Variables
Kotlin Collections
Class Hashmaps
Class ArrayList
Method mutableListOf
Lesson 4: Android Framework and Android Studio   Introduction
Android Platform Architecture
Android Libraries
Components of Android Application
Types of Android processes and their priorities
Android Application Development

Android SDK platform
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Android Studio
Instant Run
Lab 4: Creating Your First Application
Create your first Android application
Create an Android Virtual Device
Build a “Simple Calculator” Application
Lesson 5: Creating User Interface UI   Introduction
Android Project Structure
Creating User Interface

Add a text box
Add an Image
Add Check Box
Add Radio Button
Lab 5: Creating a Pizza Order Application
Create Your Application User Interface
Configure the Android Application Code
Run Your Application
Lesson 6: Android Layouts, Styles, Theme and Menus   Introduction

Constraint Layout
Linear Layout
Relative Layout
TableRow Layout
Frame Layout
ScrowView Layout
Android Styles and Themes
Android Styles
Android Themes
App Manifest
Adaptive Icons
Lab 6: Android Application Layouts, Styles, and Themes
Create Your Application Layout
Configure Your Style and Themes
Configure Your App Icon
Lesson 7: Toasts, Activities, Navigations, and Views   Context Class
Toast Class

Positioning Your Toast
What is an Activity?
Activity Lifecycle

Managing the activity lifecycle
Android Intent
Navigating Between Activities
Passing Data Between Activities
Android Views
Lab 7: Configuration of Android Recycler View
Adding a RecyclerView to an Activity
Creating a CardView
Creating Your RecyclerView Adapter
Adding Data to Your RecyclerView
Running and Testing Your RecyclerView
Adding Event Listeners to Each RecyclerView Row
Lesson 8: Android Dailogs, Snackbar, Menus WebView and Notifications   Introduction
Android Dialogs

Alert Dialog
Date Picker Dialog
Time Picker Dialog
Android Notifications

Creating an Android Notifications
Notification Channel
Lab 8: Configuring Android Web Browser, Menu, and Notification
Configuring Android Web Browser
Adding Android Menu
Creating a notification channel and a notification message
Lesson 9: Android Storage, SQLite and Content Providers   Android Storage Options
Shared Preferences
Internal Storage
External Storage
Network Connection
SQLite Databases

SQLite Database in your application
SQLite Library
Creating an adapter class for SQLite database
Content Providers
Creating a Content Provider
Sync Adapters
How SyncAdapters Work
Choosing Internal or External Storage
Lab 9: SQLite Databases and Content Providers

Creating an SQLite database
Querying an SQLite DB Table
Creating a Content Provider
Utilizing ORMLite Library
Lesson 10: Location-Aware Apps: Using GPS and Google Maps   Introduction
What is GPS and how does it work?
Other Location Service Providers
Configuring Google Maps

Map Fragment
Getting a Google API key
Adding a Google Map Marker
Methods to Capture a User’s Location
Reverse Geolocation and Geocoder Class
Lab 10: Location-Aware Apps Using a GPS and Google Maps

Creating an App Interface
Getting a Google API key
Configuring Your App to Use Your API Key
Configuring User App's Permission
Capturing User's Location
Finding the Nearest Restaurants to a User's Current Location